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Abstract (English):
The problem of studying the domestic historical experience of public administration in creating a system for ensuring security and civil protection has been updated, taking into account the modern geopolitical and military confrontation between the united West and the Russian Federation. The content of the activities of the state administration bodies of the Russian Empire to strengthen the army, the defense of the country and the protection of the population is revealed, the unsystematic nature, delay and errors in solving these issues, as well as the degree of influence of the low efficiency of managerial decisions on the loss of imperial statehood, are revealed. Attention is focused on the danger of German influence on management decisions in the Russian Empire and the "fifth column" in modern Russia. An express analysis of the implementation of the idea of "universal arming of the people" in the first years of Soviet power and the legalization of this idea in the Constitutions of the RSFSR were carried out; organizational and managerial work of the new authorities on military training of the country's population in the Vsevobuch system. The insufficient degree of modern research in this area of state activity is revealed. The necessity of using the historical experience of the period of the First World War and the Civil War, both negative and positive, is substantiated.

safety, public administration, civil defense, Decree, Special Meeting, Russian Empire, Soviet Republic, Constitution, military training of the population, general arming of the people, Vsevobuch, Workers' and Peasants' Red Army
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