Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the prerequisites and prospects for the sustainable development of the building industry in Russia as a whole and its constituent organizational systems. As a result of the study, a number of conclusions and assessments were obtained. As the analysis of sources has shown, the Concept and set of Sustainable Development Goals formed under the auspices of the UN are important prerequisites for the transition to sustainable development. There are alternative opinions of individual foreign and Russian scientists on the need to switch to a sustainable development model. This fact plays a positive role, because it stimulates the struggle of opinions and a deeper knowledge of the truth. When implementing elements of sustainable development into the activities of the organizational systems of the construction industry, the phenomenon of "merging" of its economic and social components is revealed. There is a double social responsibility of business - to its employees and to the end consumer of the products and services produced. This creates a special type of balance of the main components of sustainable development. The analysis of the Strategy for the Development of the Russian Construction Industry for the Period up to 2030, adopted in 2022, showed a focus on the gradual transition of the industry to a sustainable development model. At the same time, the forced development of the environmental component is not envisaged; reasonable proportions between the three components of sustainable development are maintained.

sustainable development, conception, building industry, state policy, development strategy, organizational systems, management, sovereignty
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