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Abstract (English):
The concept of sustainability is closely related to the security of the individual. The Ego Resiliency Scale Revised (ER89-R) is a brief, widely used scale that examines resilience as the ability to flexibly alter reactions in response to varying contextual demands. Consistent with contemporary evidence, the measure conceptualises ego resiliency as a higher-order construct comprising two factors denoting different behavioural and temperamental attributes that promote management of emotionality, Openness to Life Experiences (low negative) and Optimal Regulation (Positive orientation toward life). The present study translated the ER89-R into Russian, and evaluated its psychometric performance using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Rasch analysis (N = 1110 respondents: 426 males, 686 females). CFA supported a higher-order factor structure. Rasch analysis assessing Openness to Life Experiences and Optimal Regulation scales, reported good item/person reliability and item/person fit, gender invariance, and existence of unidimensionality. However, items appeared to be slightly easy to endorse overall, and developing the measure to incorporate more varied items in terms of difficulty would be beneficial. Overall, results supported a higher-order conceptualisation of the ER89-R and suggested that the Openness to Life Experiences and Optimal Regulation scales are appropriate measures of ego resiliency in a Russian sample.

personal security, Ego resiliency, Ego Resiliency Scale Revised (ER89-R), Rasch analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, dimensionality
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