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Abstract (English):
The article considers the problem of quality of specialized software products used in the work of emergency services. This problem largely depends on the efficiency of graphical user interfaces of programs. The purpose of the article is to develop scientific and methodological tools that allow evaluating the efficiency of visual aesthetics of interfaces. To achieve this goal, the article: developed a range of indicators and characteristics combined into a system; formalized the proposed indicators and characteristics; developed an algorithm for assessing the efficiency of visual aesthetics of graphical user interfaces, allowing to find defects, as well as compare interfaces with each other. The proposed algorithm includes three areas of assessment: color aesthetics, compositional balance and ergonomic aesthetics, which contain twelve indicators and ten characteristics. A wide range of used indicators allows researchers to conduct a detailed and flexible analysis of the efficiency of interfaces of specialized information systems and programs, as well as to identify both positive and negative aspects of their implementation.

graphical user interface, algorithm, visual aesthetics, efficiency, specialized software products, emergency services
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