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Abstract (English):
ABSTRACT The purpose of the article is to analyze domestic and foreign experience (using the example of the USA) in the field of harmonization of legal regulation of information protection. In recent years, it has become urgent and necessary to study the harmonization of approaches and concepts in the field of information security, which the state has named among the main priorities of national security. In science, harmonization is considered at interdepartmental, intra-state, interstate, international and other levels. A common approach in the legal world in the context of harmonization is to consider the priority of international norms ratified by the State over national law. However, this does not mean that such a priority shows the direct effect of the international agreements reached. Obviously, international law establishes only general directions of socio-economic development, and national States implement them through a sovereign national legal policy and improvement of the regulatory legal framework. As a result of the conducted research, using the example of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, proposals were formulated for the harmonization of some basic terms in the field of information security.

harmonization, information security, information protection, legal regulation
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