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Abstract (English):
During emergencies, decision-making is a complex task requiring prompt and effective action from emergency responders in the face of incomplete and sometimes conflicting information. To ensure effective emergency response and recovery, emergency responders must be prepared and trained to work in a variety of emergency situations with decision support systems. In order to address a number of issues related to decision making in response to transport emergencies, the architecture of a decision support system was developed. The main functional purpose of the proposed system was identified. The prospects for using a decision support system when responding to emergency situations in transport are determined by the possibilities for interdepartmental interaction and communication between departments of various emergency services, increasing efficiency and consistency in the rational distribution of forces and assets, prompt implementation of standard actions in emergency situations based on existing techniques or plans for responding to typical incidents and emergency situations, justifying management decisions with incomplete or contradictory data based on the use of artificial intelligence methods.

decision support system, emergency situations, management decisions, emergency services, emergency response
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