Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem of civil defense management in modern conditions is actualized; using the example of the so-called "grain deal", attention is focused on existing problems in the political analysis of the geopolitical situation, the recognition of the military and political leadership of the country in the "mistakes" that entail the adoption of incorrect or belated managerial foreign policy decisions, including six domestic foreign policy concepts; using the example of a special military operation in Ukraine, the connection between the consequences of erroneous decisions and the growing risks of life safety is revealed. An express analysis of scientific research by scientists and experts in the field of civil defense of the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus was carried out, conceptual approaches to legislative activities to improve public administration of civil defense were identified; as well as the coincidence of positions on the issue of further centralization of public administration. Such centralization presupposes the creation of a State Civil Protection System based on the Unified State Emergency Prevention and Response System and Civil Defense in the Russian Federation and similar public protection systems in the Republic of Belarus. The existence of problems in the management of protective structures is revealed; on the example of St. Petersburg, the damage to the number and condition of protective structures caused by the practically uncontrollable process of privatization of organizations, institutions and enterprises in Russia in the 90s of the XX century, as well as attempts by the state to change the situation for the better in recent years, are revealed.

strategy, law, lawmaking, concept, resolution, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, order, civil protection, emergency situation, protective structures, privatization, special military operation, neocolonial policy
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