Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Today, political manipulation of the masses, mass political consciousness and mass political behavior is not only a common phenomenon, but has also become everyday political practice. Studying this is an urgent theoretical and practical task. This study is aimed at systematizing various theories, methods, techniques and practices of influencing our psyche, using the features of our anthropic development, which we understand as means of manipulation or as objective control of the subject’s consciousness. The results of the study are presented in a thesis-presentation format to counteract external control and reflection. Although the presented results do not claim to be absolutely complete, they contain a sufficient set of common techniques used in marketing, propaganda, information, cognitive and mental wars. The first part of the study is devoted to cognition and techniques for manipulating cognition. The second part, building on the first, contains a description of psi effects used by manipulative attackers, which are associated with our cognitive characteristics. The third part is devoted to methods of manipulation in the media space. The fourth section of the study examines meanings, semantic or mental wars and, based on this epistemology, manipulation of socio-political processes or political wars.

cognitive warfare, mental warfare, semantic warfare, manipulation of consciousness
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