St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 57.016.3 Информационная функция
UDK 355.343.18 Переводчики. Персонал, занимающийся информационной деятельностью
The introduction of digital technologies into the healthcare system of the Russian Federation is analyzed. At the same time, the emergence of a new rental product is considered - information, the price of which increases every year. In this regard, the volume of information leakage from healthcare institutions and the damage caused to them is growing every year. A statistical analysis of information leakage was carried out by the nature of the incidents, by the type of information stolen, and by leakage channels. The content of information related to personal data has been established and numerous examples of leakage of personal data in Russia and abroad from medical institutions have been given. A comparative analysis of data leakage by industry is given. Objects for protecting information in medical institutions have been established. Reputational damage from information leakage in the healthcare system is analyzed. Security problems in the pharmaceutical field are considered. Some recommendations are proposed to improve the level of information security in the healthcare system.
digitalization of healthcare, security, rent, economic damage, reputation, healthcare, information leakage, personal data, trade secret
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16. Zaitsev A.K., Matveev V.V. Economic crimes using digital technologies // National security and strategic planning. - 2022. - No. 1(37). - P. 63-81. - DOI - EDN WFNIFZ.
17. Matveev V.V., Zaitsev A.K., Gaisina A.R. Ensuring economic security in case of leakage of confidential information // National security and strategic planning. - 2022. - No. 3(39). - P. 52-75. - DOI - EDN GMKMPB.
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