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Abstract (English):
The indicators reflecting the achievement of national development goals in terms of living standards in St. Petersburg are analyzed.It was found that the pandemic had the greatest negative impact on the implementation of the national projects "Demography" and "Health Care". And in the country as a whole, and in St. Petersburg, in particular, the mortality rate has increased and the life expectancy of the population has decreased. Housing construction is actively underway in St. Petersburg, although its volumes have decreased slightly. The pandemic has not significantly affected the implementation of goals in this area. The availability of the Internet information and telecommunications network for residents of St. Petersburg is at one of the highest levels in the country, and the pandemic has given this process an additional impetus. It is proposed to revise the deadlines for the implementation of the national projects "Demography" and "Healthcare". It is also necessary to make adjustments to the content of these programs, taking into account the peculiarities of demographic development during the pandemic, in particular, health professionals should develop in-depth medical examination programs that will identify the consequences of COVID-19 for human health.

COVID-19 pandemic, standard of living, national development goals, national project, demography, healthcare, housing and urban environment
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