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Abstract (English):
The article presents the main content of the US National Security Strategy 2022. Particular attention is paid to the conceptual difference of this concept, the chronology of its development and modern use. The main content of the Strategy is analyzed in relation to the future development (degradation) of mankind on the basis of the introduced values of Western civilization. A comparative characteristic of the civilizational values of Western and Russian civilization is given. A coercive inversion of the system of values to society and the state is presented. The chronology of the violent methods of the United States in the world for the introduction of "democratic values" is systematized. The role assigned to the United States for countries declared "undemocratic", i.e. autocratic. The intention of the United States in the development of its nuclear potential has been revealed. The position of the United States towards other countries that are trying to deviate from cooperation and cooperation with the hegemon has been determined. The US position on arms control has been clarified.

US national security strategy, US foreign policy, democracy, autocracy, strategic nuclear forces, civilizational values, competition, global issues, comprehensive deterrence, global priorities
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