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Abstract (English):
This article provides a situational analysis and an assessment of the main indicators characterizing the level of economic security of the CIS states during the transformation of the modern world. The main attention is focused on the main causes of transformational transformations in the triangle: geo-economics-geopolitics-geostrategy. It is proved that in the conditions of an economic war, it is strategically expedient to ensure the restoration of a single economic space on a new basis: structural, institutional and innovative. This is beneficial both economically and from the standpoint of ensuring national security for all Commonwealth states. The article defines the threats of a large-scale sectional war and their consequences for the Russian Federation and other Commonwealth states. As the main conclusions, the author proposes to take urgent measures to ensure the economic independence and financial-economic sovereignty of the Commonwealth states, the creation of an effective system of economic security of the CIS as an integral system. Particular emphasis is placed on the creation of a new monetary and financial system of the CIS and BRICS. From the standpoint of a systematic approach, the main directions for the further development of the CIS states are substantiated and recommendations are given to ensure the economic security of the Commonwealth states in the conditions of an economic war. The main tool for improving the economic security of the CIS at the present stage is the correct, timely, comprehensive, systemic anti-crisis and anti-sanction measures, using new technologies and monetary and financial mechanisms.

CIS, economic security, economic war, sanctions pressure
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