GRNTI 05.11 Общие проблемы народонаселения
GRNTI 06.51 Мировое хозяйство. Международные экономические отношения
GRNTI 10.01 Общие вопросы
GRNTI 11.01 Общие вопросы политических наук
GRNTI 11.25 Теория международных отношений. Внешняя политика и дипломатия
GRNTI 78.01 Общие вопросы военного дела
GRNTI 81.92 Пожарная безопасность
GRNTI 81.93 Безопасность. Аварийно-спасательные службы
GRNTI 82.01 Общие вопросы организации и управления
GRNTI 82.33 Стратегический менеджмент. Стратегическое планирование
GRNTI 11.15 Теория политических систем. Внутренняя политика
In article it is shown that in chrematistics managing conditions which basis is their stabilization, and the arisen changes are eliminated by means of the standard mechanism of regulation, discrepancy of a spiritual and moral condition and the person, and societies acts as the only driving force of their material practical activities. It is shown that as a source of spiritual and moral development of the person and society thus set of positive and negative spiritual factors, spiritual-corporal factors and natural-corporal factors which were considered as connected with the person and society the natural messages defining their role in the world surrounding them always acted.
discrepancy, spiritual and moral condition, person, society, stable orientation, driving force, material and practical activity
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