Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work sets the task of identifying insider activities in organizations that lead to threats to in-formation security, one of the first steps of which should be a review of scientific publications in the subject area and identifying the main characteristics of insiders. The purpose of the work is to systema-tize the main characteristics of insiders used in the work of the corresponding methods; For this pur-pose, the following scientific methods were used: review of scientific publications, identification of in-sider characteristics, their analysis and systematization. The novelty of the research is determined by the fact that, in contrast to individual groups of features used by existing methods for detecting insiders, this work presents their set of 15 elements, suitable for the entire set of solutions; namely the following: greed, biography, psychology, personality, switching, predispositional, professional (working), abnormal behavior, dissemination of information, file changes, collection of information (redundant), telephone conversations, loyalty, physiognomy, illegal actions. The theoretical significance lies in the fact that a single set of insider attributes has been obtained, including all private ones used in existing methods. The practical significance lies in obtaining the characteristics of insiders, on the basis of which a unified meta-method can be built, taking into account the advantages of existing ones.

information security, insider, organization, review, systematization, signs
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