Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Ensuring state sovereignty, and above all, technological sovereignty, is in modern conditions a mandatory component of the innovative development of industries and ensuring a balance in scientific, technical and innovative development of the national economy. Domestic science is making its contribution to the study of these issues. Scientific publications present significant results of research into problems of innovative development. But there are still gaps in scientific knowledge on issues of theory, legal framework, and mechanisms for regulating relations in the field of the influence of technological sovereignty on the innovative development of industries and the national economy as a whole. The objectives of this study were to analyze and evaluate the accumulated knowledge in the field of the theory of technological sovereignty, its legal framework and developed regulatory mechanisms. The research methodology was based on the principles of scientific knowledge of the phenomena of social life, such as the systems approach, the principle of determinism, the principle of historicism, etc. As the results of the study showed, it is necessary to intensify work on the formation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of technological sovereignty. The proposal to integrate disparate regulatory legal provisions on technological sovereignty in a single act is substantiated. The incompleteness of the formation of mechanisms for achieving technological sovereignty and their fragmentation are revealed. The author's conclusions and proposals are aimed at increasing the level of scientific, methodological and legal support for activities to achieve technological sovereignty as a priority mechanism for technological development.

technological sovereignty, theoretical and methodological foundations, legal framework, regulatory mechanisms, foreign experience, national interests
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