Russian Federation
Every year, extremist manifestations have a significant impact on the desta-bilization of the social and political situation, both in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in our country as a whole. For this reason, in this work, the thief analyzes the causal complex that influences the development of extremist illegal activities, including those affecting the state of national security of our country. In the course of the study, it was established that the main driving force contributing to the spread of negative radical beliefs and extremist movements are factors caused by the processes of information influence of Western special services, which fuel protest activity and separatist views in Russian society. Also, the active spread of extremist manifestations in our country is facilitated by the presence of diffuse internal causes and conditions. During the study, the author proposed measures aimed at preventing the criminal acts under consideration. In the law enforcement sphere, it is proposed to focus on improving measures related to coordinating the activities of all entities involved in the fight against extremism, including divisions of territorial bodies serving border areas. It is important to improve state migration policy in order to reduce extremist manifestations. The scientific community should intensify research work in this area, since it requires additional comprehensive scientific research into the essence and content, subjects and objects, as well as the goals and objectives of countering extremist manifestations. The research has convincingly proven that the provisions set out in this work can improve the further implementation of measures aimed at countering extremism. The conclusions made by the author will help prevent extremist manifestations and minimize the harm from these criminal acts.
national security, manifestations of extremism, social tension, protest activity, illegal migration, armed conflicts, organized crime, law enforcement agencies, cross-border cooperation, strategic planning, crime prevention
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