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Abstract (English):
In the article, based on the analysis and synthesis of works devoted to the category "labor productivity", it is shown that theoretical errors were made in substantiating its essence, meaning and calculation. The presence of errors led to an incorrect assessment of the agriculture of the Soviet Union and the United States. As a consequence, the development and implementation by Soviet economists of Perestroika to replace socialism with capitalism in the USSR caused the death of a great state and led to an aggravation of the problem of hunger and food security in the world. These same mistakes hinder the development of the economy and the identification and overcoming of the causes of the growing threat of famine and wars between states. The results of new research are presented, which revealed the inefficiency of the costs of studying labor productivity and the need to institutionalize scientific discussion.

labor, labor productivity, capitalism, socialism, perestroika, the death of the state, the struggle for survival, hunger
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