Russian Federation
UDK 304 Социальные вопросы. Социальная практика. Культурная жизнь. Образ жизни
UDK 322 Отношения между государством и церковью. Объединение и разделение государства и церкви. Церковная политика. Антиклерикализм. Культуркампф. Церковь как носитель государственных функций
UDK 334.02 Политика. Планирование. Управление. Мероприятия. Средства
In accordance with the requirements of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation to save the people of Russia and develop human potential, an analysis of the management of the Global historical process was carried out and criteria for assessing socio-economic development/degradation in each historical era were formulated. In order to assess the quality of the person himself and the process of his improvement, the formation of the basis of his behavior, the concept of the structure of the psyche is formulated and a model of the process of personality development is proposed. A method for assessing the quality of social management is given both from the point of view of consistency within civilizational management, and from the standpoint of management stability in relation to the global evolutionary process of the Earth's biosphere. The intention of the globalists to transform the person himself and the algorithms of his social behavior in the process of establishing the New World Order is analyzed. The goals and objectives of the New Age movement are analyzed as a system of compilation of many religious and secular cults, programs of their actions. As part of the hybrid war, the idea of globalists is presented on the ephemeral merging of biology and technology, the transformation of the “body/mind system” with the digital infrastructure of the world economy. The technology of using brain-computers to change human culture, creating wearable devices for hacking brain waves is demonstrated. The introduced technologies for the transition from human potential to social potential, the globalization of transhumanism of neurofeedback are illustrated. The convergence of some forecasts of globalists for today and their forecasts for the future is presented. Some recommendations are formulated to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation on the basis of the state policy for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.
transhumanism, synthetic spirituality, New World Order, New Age, cybernetic transhumanity, singularity, neurofeedback, New normal, cybernetic transhumanity, noospheric evolution, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of the Body (IoB), noetic parapsychology, eugenics engineering, eugenics, Darwinism, human potential, superheroes, psychedelics, multistate, transpersonal psychology
1. Labas Yu.A., Sedleckiy I.V. Etot bezumnyy, bezumnyy mir glazami zoopsihologov [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
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7. Matveev V.V. Scenarnoe modelirovanie global'nyh processov upravleniya // Nacional'naya bezopasnost' i strategicheskoe planirovanie. - 2016. - № 2-2(14). - S. 136-150. - EDN WCJGKZ.
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9. Grigor'ev O.M., Matveev V.V. Metody nauchnogo prognozirovaniya demograficheskih processov // Gosudarstvo i biznes. Sovremennye problemy ekonomiki: materialy X Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii, Sankt-Peterburg, 25-27 aprelya 2018 goda / Severo-Zapadnyy institut upravleniya RANHiGS pri Prezidente RF. Tom 1. - SPb: Rossiyskaya akademiya narodnogo hozyaystva i gosudarstvennoy sluzhby pri Prezidente Rossiyskoy Federacii, Severo-Zapadnyy institut upravleniya, 2018. - S. 123-127. - EDN OVOEZV.
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85. Esalen And The Human Potential Movement [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
86. Humanity+ - What We Do [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
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88. H+Magazine. Mindapps and The Neurosingularity Project [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
89. Inside Silicon Valley's new non-religion: consciousness hacking [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
90. HeartMath Purpose and Vision [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
91. HeartMath Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety and Emotional Regulation [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
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93. Inner Balance Bluetooth for Android & iPhone [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
94. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
95. Together in the Heart [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
96. Add Heart. Uplifting Global Consciousness [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
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98. Coherence Advantage™. A HeartMath® Trainer Certification Program [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
99. “Multilevel Marketing” Companies Cheat and Exploit Ordinary People on a Vast Scale. An interview with Robert Fitzpatrick [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
100. Secretary DeVos, Neurocore, and Competency-Based Workforce Training a Continuation of Outcomes-Based Behaviorism through Medicalized Education by John Klyczek [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
101. The Resilient Educator Program New Zealand [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
102. The Future of Entrepreneurship: Living in Exponential Creativity | Global Summit 2018 [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
103. Ray Kurzweil claims singularity will happen by 2045 [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
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105. Great Reset [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:
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