Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on the analysis and synthesis of works devoted to the sustainable and safe development of human society as a civilization, the article shows that the understanding of the basis of the normal development of human society is the definition of the purpose of its existence and the conditions conducive to its achievement, which do not contradict the economic structures of any of the known states. The results of studies that led to the identification of the role of animal metabolic products in the reproduction of natural soil fertility are presented. It is shown that natural soil fertility is not only a property of the soil as a natural body, but, at the same time, the main means in agricultural production. The significance of the law of the organic matter cycle established in Russia is explained, according to which soil fertility reproduces itself in nature due to the continuous circulation of four forms of organic matter: biota of soil O1, plants O2, animals O3 and products of animal metabolism O4. It is shown that this law in agricultural production is violated due to farming according to the recommendations of the doctrine "Agrochemistry", which is based on the erroneous theories of Liebig and Thayer, which was the main reason for the decline in food production, its rise in price, the approach of hunger and the aggravation of conflicts between states. The elimination of erroneous theories is hindered by the Federal Law No. 127 "On Science ...", in which there are no definitions of such categories as "scientist", "scientific potential", "invention", "research work", "research and development work", "innovation", "scientific discussion", there is no provision for scientific discussion. This contributes to the degeneration of science, the growth of the negative impact of competition in the scientific environment, prevents the use of discoveries and technological reform of agriculture, leads to an increase in social tension and delays the development of the state economy.

human society, goal (goal setting), sustainable development, obstacles, overcoming
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