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Abstract (English):
Based on the analysis of the main indicators of the standard of living, it is concluded that the agrarian regions of the central part of Russia are significantly lagging behind the average Russian level. Of the regions considered, the best indicators are characteristic of the Belgorod Region (growth in consumer prices, per capita retail trade turnover, the ratio of per capita monetary income to the subsistence minimum, average monthly wages and pensions, as well as the level of poverty. Of particular concern is the socio-economic situation in the Bryansk region, characterized by the worst among the agricultural and industrial centers of the Central Federal District values of most indicators of living standards and the expansion of poverty. A significant lag in the standard of living of the population of the regions that ensure the food security of the state can become a threat to its national security and requires special attention from the government of the country.

agro-industrial center, standard of living, poverty, subsistence
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