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Abstract (English):
The relevance of countering the leakage of confidential information in connection with the active digitalization of management processes, the digital economy, and the expansion of remote work has been identified. The emergence and expansion of a new type of rent - confidential information is indicated. Tendencies in the field of leakage of confidential information have been established. The concept of information leakage is given and leakage schemes are modeled. The change in the structure of the impact on information resources is analyzed. The factors of intentional leaks of confidential information are systematized. The classification of losses from leaks of confidential information is carried out. The Dark web forum for selling confidential information is described. The branches and divisions of confidential information leakage are analyzed. A chronological analysis of state structures exposed to the leakage of confidential information was carried out. The international experience in countering the leakage of confidential information is presented. A comparative analysis of the leakage of confidential information in Russia and in the countries of the world by industry, size of organizations, and the nature of information has been carried out.

leaks, rental economy, economic security, information security, hybrid attacks, external intruders, insiders, hackers, Dark web, DLP systems, auto-departmental platform, criminalization, InfoWatch, latency, financial losses, cost of data leakage
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