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Abstract (English):
The article substantiates the exceptional relevance for the Union State of Russia and Belarus of the problem of technological confrontation with the West, which is one of the key components of the full-scale hybrid war waged by it against our allied countries. The definitions of the technological security of the state and the level of technological effectiveness of the national economy are given, objective and subjective difficulties on the way to their improvement are characterized. A method for quantitative and qualitative determination of the level of technological effectiveness of the national economy is proposed, the use of which will allow not only to determine the indicated level and track its comparative dynamics in relation to other countries, but also to plan and control its increment as part of the implementation of the technological catch-up strategy. Specific recommendations are proposed to improve the level of technological effectiveness of the national economy and to strengthen the technological security of the Union State of Russia

technical and technological progress, technological war, technological security, level of technological effectiveness of the national economy, technological catch-up, the Union State of Russia and Belarus
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