Russian Federation
UDK 631 Общие вопросы сельского хозяйства
Based on the analysis of the theory of socialism in the USSR, presented in the book of the Economic Adviser to the first President of the USSR, the article shows that this theory did not reflect the essence of the socio-economic system created in the USSR. The justifications given in the book about the need for the so-called acceleration of scientific and technological development were compiled without observing the rules accepted in science. The book did not investigate the problem of food production as a good that determines, according to Smith, the sustainable development of society. As a consequence, the theory presented in the book did not reflect the essence of negative phenomena in the USSR, and the provisions of the theory about the possibility of improving industrial relations did not correspond to the nature of these relations and were formulated in violation of the limitations of the science of logic. As a result, the erroneous provisions of the book, put by the leadership of the state as the basis of Perestroika, instead of improving the state system, led to its destruction.
theory, socialism, the USSR, food, agriculture, practice, Marxism, capitalism, Ogerelev, Gorbachev, voluntarism, delusions, food shortage, the death of the state
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