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Abstract (English):
With the incredible and powerful development of telecommunications net-works that we are witnessing in the third decade of the 21st century, international cyber-terrorism is also becoming more widespread. As a result of this phenome-non, individuals or entire international terrorist groups and organizations seek, thanks to the anonymity provided to them by cyberspace, to carry out various types of threats without any threat of identifying these criminals, their possible capture, or even physical elimination, as this happens in cases of elimination of real, not virtual, terrorist attacks. Today, international terrorist groups are increasingly using such tools to carry out attacks as DoS and DDoS attacks - denial of service, as well as other criminal methods, including phishing, online fraud, etc. Currently, international cyberterrorism poses a serious threat not only to the economy of the entire world community, but is also dangerous for various critical infrastructure facilities. In this regard, cyberterrorism has the highest level of threat to national security compared to other possible attacks by international terrorists. In this regard, the author proposes a set of measures that must be taken to prevent attacks by international cyberterrorists.

national security, cyberterrorism, countering terrorism, information security, computer crime, digitalization of society, crime control, globalization, law enforcement agencies, international cooperation, law
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