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Abstract (English):
The article presents retrospective analysis of the axioms of public relations, including «property (appropriation), or, in fact, the relation-owners and non-owners of the property objects), as well as the relations of exchange and distribution.» The article claims that such point of view on social relations in specific models of socio-economic system uses specific axiomatic that provides stabilization of relations between society and enterprising part of it in changing economic conditions, and comes out of it. The essence of such options of axiomatic lies in fact, that these options determine only the ratio of subjects of public relations to the very social relations, where the duties are always absolute, rights are always relative. The responsibility is always nominal, as authorities are ready to take responsibility with pleasure, but in fact, they are responsible for nothing. It is noted that in the framework of stabilizing sets of axioms the main burden of overcoming the crisis traditionally falls on most of people, due to which the enterprising part of the society is enriching.

xiomatic, public relations, spiritual and moral principles, stable economic conditions crisis, changing economic conditions
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