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Abstract (English):
The analysis of the existing approaches to definition of the concept “safety” is given. The target orientation in the course of safety is proved. The reasons capable to break safety of the operated systems are established. On the basis of system and cybernetic approach and the formalized principle of systemacity definition of the concept “safety” was received. It is revealed that a necessary condition of safety is predictability of behavior of system in the environment including and other subjects of management, due to the corresponding formation of vectors of opportunities and management of system, allowing to receive the corresponding ratio of existential conditions of system and functioning of system, allowing to reach system of the demanded efficiency indicator level (target mission). It is received that a necessary condition of steady stay of system (object) in the environment is existence of knowledge of this Wednesday, possible options of behavior of system concerning factors of the environment and skills of management of system.

safety, management, steady on predictability, system and cybernetic approach, management of system, efficiency of functioning, efficiency field potential, existential conditions of system, target mission, principle of systemacity, knowledge, modeling
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