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Abstract (English):
The development of the United States, Russia, China and Israel is analyzed based on the information-hierarchical approach to the system analysis of the organization and dynamics of socio-biological systems. According to the evolutionary systems construction law, the mentioned states have a 198-year cycle of ethnic stagnation. The internal organization of the 198-year cycle is based on two alternating types of the system time, i.e. physical (“calendar”) and biological one. Theoretically calculated years of shift (turning points) and duration of each type of the time in this cycle are presented. The turning points in the USA development coincide (up to a year) with the Civil war beginning and its end as well as with the Great Depression, whereas for Russia with the onset and the end of “perestroika”, the period when President B. Yeltsin headed the state. Thus, it proves that “perestroika” was a natural stage in the development of Russia, not American victory in “the cold war”. The recent forecast for the Christian(Orthodox)-Jewish bi-ethnic system has been confirmed, i.e. according to the Le Chatelier’s principle, active Russia’s resistance to external destabilizing influence starts in 2014. The end of the US existence cycle is forecasted by 2050, and the dates of state institutions restructuring in China (2020-2029) and Israel (2022-2032) are given. The beginning of the destruction of the Christian-Jewish religious socio-biological system is shown.

information-hierarchical approach, sociosphere, USA, Russia, China, Israel, development dynamics, perestroika, forecast
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