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Abstract (English):
This article discusses the main problems of the work of a forensic expert in the conditions of digitalization. In the modern world, due to the development of technology, it is necessary to exclude all negative challenges from outside, which complicate the effective work of a forensic expert. Coronavirus infection and other cataclysms have caused many companies to switch online, which is why new risks and threats to the economic security of enterprises have appeared. The purpose of the work is to consider innovative technologies during the forensic economic examination, as well as the analysis of existing innovative solutions that improve the efficiency of the forensic expert, minimize the likelihood of making mistakes by a general analysis of the data of the company in which the examination is conducted. For highly professional forensic economic expertise, it is necessary to minimize existing and possible risks and threats to the company's security associated with digitalization. The conclusion of this study is the need for regular professional development and retraining of specialists along with the development of new technologies.

forensic economic expertise, expert, economic security, risks, threats, challenges, digitalization
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